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腫瘤細胞與免疫細胞在腫瘤微環境中的交互作用容易促成腫瘤發展,主要原因在於腫瘤細胞衍生之訊息易於塑造免疫抑制環境的發展而壓制對抗腫瘤之免疫反應。藉由免疫檢查點抑制劑 (immune checkpoint inhibitor)恢復對抗腫瘤之免疫活性而達到抑制腫瘤生長的效果。儘管如此,對於免疫檢查點抑制劑療法展現療效的比例並不高。plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1)是參與血栓與動脈硬化的重要蛋白,也被發現在許多腫瘤組織中有過度表現。在我們的研究中發現PAI-1可以調控腫瘤細胞表面的PD-L1,抑制PAI-1促使腫瘤細胞表面PD-L1增加而提升對免疫檢查點抑制劑敏感度,進而改善免疫抑制劑療法。
Selected recent publications (Pubmed Search)
(† Contributed equally to the article; * Correspondence author of the article)
- Tseng YJ, Lee CH, Chen WY, Yang JL, Tzeng HT*. Inhibition of PAI-1 Blocks PD-L1 Endocytosis and Improves the Response of Melanoma Cells to Immune Checkpoint Blockade. J Invest Dermatol. S0022-202X(21)01230-6 (2021).
- Tzeng HT*, Yang JL, Tseng YJ, Lee CH, Chen WJ, Chyuan IT*. Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Secretion by Autophagy Contributes to Melanoma Resistance to Chemotherapy through Tumor Microenvironment Modulation. Cancers (Basel). 13(6):1253 (2021).
- Tzeng HT, Chyuan IT*. Immunometabolism in systemic lupus erythematosus: Relevant pathogenetic mechanisms and potential clinical applications. J Formos Med Assoc. S0929-6646(21)00124-8 (2021).
- Chen WY, Li LC, Wu YH, Yang JL, Tzeng HT*. Emerging Roles of Interleukin-33-responsive Kidney Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells in Acute Kidney Injury. Int J Mol Sci. 21(4):1544 (2020).
- Tzeng HT, Chyuan IT, Chen WY*. Shaping of Innate Immune Response by Fatty Acid Metabolite Palmitate. Cells. 8(12):1633 (2019).
- Wang YS†, Tzeng HT†, Tsai CH, Cheng HC, Lai WW, Liu HS, Wang YC*. VAMP8, a vesicle-SNARE required for RAB37-mediated exocytosis, possesses a tumor metastasis suppressor function. Cancer Lett. 28: 437:79-88 (2018).
- Tzeng HT, Su CC, Chang CP, Lai WW, Su WC, Wang YC*. Rab37 in lung cancer mediates exocytosis of soluble ST2 and thus skews macrophages toward tumor-suppressing phenotype. Int J Cancer. 143: 1753-63 (2018).
- Tzeng HT, Li TH, Tang YA, Tsai CH, Lu PJ, Lai WW, Chiang CW, Wang YC*. Phosphorylation of Rab37 by protein kinase C alpha inhibits the exocytosis function and metastasis suppression activity of Rab37. Oncotarget, 8(65):108556-70 (2017).
- Tzeng HT†, Tsai CH†, Yen YT†, Cheng HC, Chen YC, Pu SW, Wang YS, Shan YS, Tseng YL, Su WC, Lai WW, Wu LW, Wang YC*. Dysregulation of Rab37-mediated cross-talk between cancer cells and endothelial cells via thrombospondin-1 promotes tumor neovasculature and metastasis. Clin Cancer Res, 23(9):2335-2345 (2017).
- Tzeng HT, Wang YC*. Rab-mediated vesicle trafficking in cancer. J Biomed Sci, 23(1):70 (2016).
2007 – 2014 Ph.D.
Graduate Institute of Immunology, College of Medicine,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2018/8 ~ present Assistant Professor
Institute for Translational Research in Biomedicine,
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2014/8 ~ 2018/7 Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine,
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
2017 The third Prize (oral presentation in English), Autumn Camp 2017, The Taiwan Society for
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2017 The Second Prize (Thematic oral presentation), 32th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical
Science (JACBS)
2016 The First Prize (oral presentation), 31th Annual Meeting of Toxicology Society of Taiwan
2016 Travel Grant, International Academic Conference, Ministry of Science and Technology
2012 Travel Grant, Oversea International Academic Conference, Ministry of Education
2012 Travel Grant, aim for the top University Project to the National Taiwan University
2012 Excellent paper Award (oral presentation), The Chinese Society of Immunology
2011 Excellent paper Award (oral presentation), The Chinese Society of Immunology
2010 Excellent paper Award (oral presentation), The Chinese Society of Immunology
1. Viral immunology of infectious disease
2. Regulation of T cell activation in cancer
3. Development of immunotherapy for cancer treatment