9.4T Animal MRI (Bruker BioSpec 94/20 USR)
Superconducting Magnet System
- Field strength: 9.4 T
- Diameter of clear bore: 200 mm
- Stray-field (5 Gauss): +/- 3 m axial,+/- 2 m radial
- Length: 1.49 m
- Diameter: 1.652 m
負責人: 蔡靜宜博士 (ext 8598)
管理者: 余俊杰 (ext 8998)
IVIS In Vivo Imaging System (Caliper, PerkinElmer )
The IVIS® portfolio of instruments is the industry’s most the versatile and advanced pre-clinical in vivo imaging technology available. The IVIS platform can address the widest range of applications with the highest level of sensitivity for bioluminescence, fluorescence, high-throughput 2D or tomographic imaging. IVIS has lead the industry in multimodal innovation, integrating functional and anatomical technologies within a single instrument or through cross-platform enablement.
負責人: 蔡靜宜博士 (ext 8598)
管理者: 余俊杰 (ext 8998)
Digital ultrasound system (Vevo 2100 Imaging System, VisualSonics)
VisualSonics redefines state-of-the-art with a new digital platform delivering outstanding performance in a wide range of animal models and applications including cardiovascular, cancer and inflammation, to name a few. The Vevo® 2100 system expands the functionality, flexibility and image quality of the Vevo 770 system, operating at frequencies never before achieved with solid-state array transducers. The new MicroScan™ transducers provide increased frame rates, superb contrast, unrivaled resolution and a wider field of view. The system is easy to use, non-invasive and fast, providing extremely high throughput when needed.
負責人: 呂史提博士 (ext 8591)
管理者: 胡茵慧 (ext 8670)
Confocal microscope (FLUOVIEW FV10i, Olympus)
The unique FLUOVIEW FV10i-LIV is a fully automated confocal laser-scanning microscope. The completely re-engineered design of this microscope, integrated into a self-contained package with a variety of functions, enables even inexperienced and first-time users to perform easily and efficient high-quality confocal imaging. Olympus has made no compromises in ergonomics and image quality, using high-quality optical components and smart and easy software.
負責人: 楊政霖博士 (ext 8593)
管理者: 戴冠玉 (ext 8670)