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Dr. Lung-Chih Li graduated from Chang-Gung University, Taiwan with an MD degree in 2001. He later received his residency in Department of Internal Medicine and fellowship training in Nephrology department in Kaohsiung Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital (CGMH) from 2001 to 2006. From 2006-2009, Dr Li worked as an attending nephrologist at Kaohsiung CGMH. In 2009, Dr Li went to the United Kingdom and received his PhD degree in Medical Science from University College London (UCL), London, UK in 2013. His research is focused on discovering the crosstalk of lipid homeostasis and inflammation in metabolic disorders. His study interests also include clinical research in cardiovascular diseases in chronic kidney disease and immunosuppressants in liver and kidney transplantation.
Selected Recent Publication (Pubmed Search)
(† Contributed equally to the article; * Correspondence author of the article)
Li LC, Yang JL, Lee WC, Chen JB, Lee CT, Wang PW, Vaghese Z, Chen WY*. Palmitate aggravates proteinuria-induced cell death and inflammation via CD36-inflammasome axis in the proximal tubular cells of obese mice. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology. (2018, In press)
Chen WY, Tsai TH, Yang JL, Li LC*. Therapeutic Strategies for Targeting IL-33/ST2 Signalling for the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 47 (2018 in press)
Chen WY, Yang JL, Wu YH, Li LC, Li RF, Chang YT, Dai LH, Wang WC, Chang YJ. IL-33/ST2 Axis Mediates Hyperplasia of Intrarenal Urothelium in Obstructive Renal Injury. Exp Mol Med. 2018 Apr 20;50(4):36. (2018)
Chen WY, Li LC, Yang JL*. Emerging Roles of IL-33/ST2 Axis in Renal Diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 18(4):783. (2017)
Li LC, Hsu CN*, Lin CC, Cheng YF, Hu TH, Chen DW, Lee CH, Nakano T, and Chen CL. Proteinuria and Baseline Renal Function Predict Mortality and Renal Outcomes after Sirolimus Therapy in Liver Transplantation Recipients. BMC Gastroenterology, 17(1):58 (2017)
Zhua JG, Cheng BC, Lee WC, Li LC, Lee CH, Long G, Chen JB. Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Levels are Not Associated with Increased Death Risk in Prevalent Hemodialysis Patients: 5-Year Experience in a Single Hemodialysis Center. Kidney Blood Press Res. 41:498-506 (2016)
Liu Y, Cheng BC, Lee WC, Li LC, Lee CH, Chang WX, Chen JB*. Serum Potassium Profile and Associated Factors in Incident Peritoneal Dialysis Patients. Kidney Blood Press Res. 41:545-551. (2016)
Lee YT, Ng HY, Chiu TY, Li LC, Pei SN, Kuo WH, Lee CT*. Association of bone-derived biomarkers with vascular calcification in chronic hemodialysis patients. Clinica Chimica Acta, 452: 38-43. (2015)
Chou CA, Ng HY, Kuo WH, Chiou TY, Pei SN, Li LC, Lee YT and Lee CT. Rosiglitazone attenuates indoxyl sulfate-induced endothelial dysfunction. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology. 42: 287-292 (2015)
Li LC, Lee YT, Lee YW, Chou CA, and Lee CT. Aortic Arch Calcification Predicts the Renal Function Progression in Patients with Stage 3 to 5 Chronic Kidney Disease. Biomed Research International, 131263. (2015)
Chen Y, Ku H, Zhao L, Wheeler DC, Li LC, Li Q, Varghese Z, Moorhead JF, Powis SH, Huang A, and Ruan XZ*. Inflammatory stress induces statin resistance by disrupting HMGCoA reductase feedback regulation. Arteriosclerosis thrombosis and vascular biology. 34(2):365-76. (2014)
Zhou C, Lei H, Chen Y, Liu Q, Li LC, Moorhead JF, Zac Varghese Z, Ruan XZ*. Enhanced SCAP Glycosylation by Inflammation Induces acrophage Foam Cell Formation. PLoS One, 8(10): e75650. (2013)
Li LC, Varghese Z, Moorhead JF, Lee CT, Chen JB, and Ruan XZ*. Cross-talk between TLR4-MyD88-NF-B and SCAP-SREBP2 pathways. American journal of physiology-heart and circulatory physiology, 304: H874-H884. (2013)
2009-2013 Ph.D.
Graduate Institute of Medicine,
University College London, London, United Kingdom
1994-2001 M.D.
Chang-Gung Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 ~ present Assistant Professor, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2014 ~ present Ministry of Education certified Assistant Professor
2006 ~ present Attending, Division of Nephrology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
2004-2006 Fellowship, Division of Nephrology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
2001-2004 Residency, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
2016 Travel award for oral presentation in 2016 Congress of International Liver Transplantation Society. Seoul, Korea. 4-7th May, 2016.
2015 Award for ‘the excellent scientific paper for young investigators’ in International Symposium on Lipid and Tissue Injury. Chongqing, China. 25-27th Oct, 2015.
2013 The best poster presentation at UCL graduation student day in June 2013.
1. Lipid homeostasis and inflammation in metabolic disorders.
2. Cytokines and inflammatory diseases.
3. Vascular calcification and cardiovascular outcome in chronic kidney disease.
4. Immunosuppressants in liver and kidney transplantation.